The players of the winning tribe will be given $10,000 to divide and donate to the charities of their choice. Speaking of which, Studio Wildcard also announced the final Survival of the Fittest battle of 2015, which will pit two teams of 100 players against each other in a 'Naughty or Nice' elimination battle. I'm guessing that chasing around after Raptor Claus to scoop up his drops will also lead to the occasional bumping of heads, exchange of words, and perhaps a massacre or two, but hey, if you're not killing people, you're not trying hard enough, right? It's all part of the fun. Ark Survival Evolved was released for PS4, PC, and Xbox One in August 2017, and has continually been updated by Studio Wildcard over the past four-and-a-half years, ensuring the game remains a. Update: Notes for the PS4 have been released and can be viewed below. Studio Wildcard has released the Ark Survival Evolved update 2.67 patch this October 12, and same as before, this is for another round of fixes. 'We suggest following him around to stock up, including on rare dropped Ark Gift Codes! Survivors also can earn Reindeer Costumes, Candy Cane Club Weapons, Santa Hats, and if they collect enough Coal, they might even be able to summon the elusive holiday-themed DodoRex to do their bidding for a limited time!' Ark Survival Evolved Update 2.67 Released for October 12. 'Raptor Claus will dart across the night sky in his sleigh, air-dropping presents filled with high-end Loot Blueprints (or Coal for naughty Survivors),' according to today's announcement on Steam.