There shouldn’t be any issues as the esp file only modifies a single global, and therefore compability should not be an issue. *Optional* If it doesn’t work, reassign the settlers to a different set of food, even the plant next to it. Before the Great War, the United States Department of Agriculture oversaw several research projects such as the American Crop Protection Initiative, that through the Secretary and. Agriculture is key to the growth of any society, with surpluses in food encouraging further development.
Fallout 4 PS4 Mod: Plenty 'O' Exploration. Agriculture is the practice of cultivating crops, resulting in foodstuff and products utilized to sustain life.
It should now be working, you may have to go to the settlements which have lots of food for it to start working, such as greygarden, or the warwick homestead, and you should see the food count rising. Fallout 4's rendition of this perennially needed fix, Plenty 'O Exploration, is currently in beta for PS4, but still provides a drastically needed service by adding in many new interior segments for a huge increase in the amount of area actually available to explore.
This esp file sets the max food per settler to 9999, which is more than you will ever need. I wanted to find a mod that did this, but there wasn’t any on the nexus, so I made my own. I'll show you how you can actually earn caps and make a profit from manufacturing. As many of you may know, the max food a single settler can harvest at one time is 6. This video is a follow-up to the last video on Manufacturing.